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Monday, July 11, 2011

the ASIA LEGEND ; JacKy CheuNg

Jacky Cheung Spotlight on a Legend

Hello everyone ! do you know Jacky Cheung is my all time favorite singer in asia.
Ya, let me today bring you to a legend of asia. Jacky!

That everyone! As an avid follower of Hong Kong media, the famous “四大天王”, or more uncommonly known by their English name as Cantopop Four Heavenly Kings. The most common one I hear is music, in which about 80% of the time I hear it is coming out of my own mouth. Back in the 90s, Jacky Cheung (張學友), Andy Lau (劉德華), Leon Lai (黎明), and Aaron Kwok (郭富城) basically ruled the music industry of Hong Kong.

Jacky Cheung! He has got to be my all time favorite singer. I can’t express exactly how much I love watching and hearing him! He’s appeared in a couple of really good comedies throughout his career, and his singing voice is what really puts him up in the charts. Although it is unfortunately really easy to just take his voice for granted due to its soothing effects. What really got me to appreciate his voice was actually a really funny movie called Future Cops, or 超級學校霸王 which is a really cool Cantonese adaptation of Street Fighters. In the movie, Jacky plays Guile, nicknamed Broom-head in the movie due to his quirky hair style. At one point in the movie, he goes from his really goofy voice, to his beautiful and smooth singing voice. That scene was the exact moment that I fell in love with his voice. Check it out of you get a chance, it is a really funny movie.

Jacky’s voice contains this type of emotion that is harder found in our generation of singers. It is not the lacking of talent that is the problem, there are plenty of talented singers that are around nowadays, but the lack of some of the emotion in many of the songs. Jacky’s music, unlike many of the current day ballads concentrate a lot on breakups and heartbreaks, concentrated on many aspects of love. Those many aspects include the loss of, and the buildup of the emotions related to one who falls in love. One of his most popular songs, 每天愛你多一些, is translated to “Loving you a little more everyday” expresses the feelings one has when being in love. The emotional depth he adds to this song skyrocketed his popularity in the early 90s. But this does not deviate from the nonstop humor that he manages to pour out in his roles as an actor. I especially find his humor extra refreshing, it is the subtle humor from the early years of Cantonese entertainment that will make you smile without you really realizing yourself. When you finally realize you’re smiling, it is simply because you are also laughing really hard on the inside. No matter how I see it, Jacky is definitely one who relies solely on his talent for his fame today, which is what makes me appreciate him all the more! Enjoy! Click on the picture on the right to check out what you can order for Jacky Cheung!

My Way - Jacky Cheung 张学友

吻別 - 張學友 (Live)

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