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Monday, July 11, 2011

the FIVE Language of LOVE (PART 1)

Have you ever been in a situation where you mistakenly thought that you had, after countless hours of searching, found the perfect gift, or after racking your brains to craft the most sincere and romantic love poem, you end up feeling disappointed by your loved one's reaction when you present these gift to them?

You may even get an earful and be accused of not loving them enough. How can these expressions of love not be appreciated or even be misinterpreted so badly? why do such situations occur?

To understand such situation, let us first look at the different ways that we can show our love and affection.
These different ways of expressing love are known as love languages or love lingo.

There are Five Categories of Love Language :

Physical touch such as hugs, pats on the back, holding hands thoughtful touches on the arm, shoulder or face.

Words of affirmation such as words of encouragement or compliments.

Gifts. These need not expensive ; after all, it is thought that counts.

Act of service such as cooking a meal or helping with housework.

Quality time such as spending time and doing things together.

To Be Continue...

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