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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Microsoft's purchase of Skype, if approved by regulators, will solidify its relationship with Facebook, too. A new threat to Google?

Microsoft is getting face time with Mark Zuckerberg.

Microsoft's (ticker MSFT) pending $8.5 billion acquisition of Skype, the online-communications outfit, was criticized for its high price, but was generally well-received for its strategic value by Silicon Valley. Microsoft's bid was rumored to be $2 billion to $4 billion higher than any other, including Google's (GOOG).

The deal, if approved by federal regulators, is expected to close before year's end. The pragmatists argue that Windows users, Xbox players and Windows Phone customers will utilize Skype's voice and video services over the Web, which will multiply Skype usage. Skype reportedly already generates almost $1 billion a year in revenue, mostly from calls that aren't free, such as those that connect via land lines.




Microsoft semakin menghadapi masa dengan Mark Zuckerberg.

Belum selesai (simbol MSFT) Microsoft $ 8500000000 perolehan Skype, yang pakaian talian komunikasi, telah dikritik kerana harga yang tinggi, tetapi secara umumnya diterima baik untuk nilai strategik dengan Lembah Silikon. Tawaran Microsoft telah dikhabarkan akan 2000000000 $ untuk $ 4000000000 lebih tinggi daripada yang lain, termasuk di Google (GOOG).

Perjanjian itu, jika diluluskan oleh pengawal selia persekutuan, dijangka untuk menutup sebelum akhir tahun ini. The pragmatis mengatakan bahawa pengguna Windows, pemain Xbox dan pelanggan Telefon Windows akan menggunakan perkhidmatan suara dan video Skype melalui Web, yang akan membiak penggunaan Skype. Skype dilaporkan sudah menjana hampir $ 1 bilion per tahun dalam hasil, kebanyakannya dari panggilan yang tidak bebas, seperti yang menyambung melalui garis tanah.

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